01 November 2012

printf("Greetings, human!");

Yep. New blog. I feel like posting some stuff to a blog, from time to time. Talk about what insane stuff I think, what I'm working on, etc., and also rants about people, APIs, languages, softwares, and such.

And yes, I am an open-source developer. You can find my stuff on GitHub at my GitHub page, or on whatever I push to. If you want you can follow me there and be a good follower and check out my projects, see if there are any bugs with them, and then submit them as issues or whatnot.

I'm a huge C and C++ fan, and I dislike Java because of its lack of high-performance, and its overall clunkiness. I could live with it if I needed to, but I don't need to live with it so I don't live with it. I am interested in learning languages like JavaScript, HTML5/XHTML, and such more modern languages, though C and C++ are my strong forts and I adore them as well. Python is kinda fascinating, but it's not that interesting to me.  Nor is any closed-source language or interpreter.

I'm also a huge Linux fan. I'm still learning the kernel, still getting acquainted with it, and it's the target of all of my programs. I love the community surrounding it, and if a tiny fraction of those people were to look at my code, comment on it, and give me ideas or things I needed to do, I would like that so much.  If I build for Windows or Mac, I imagine, I'll get the people who say "I found a bug," but don't specify even what the bug is like.  If I get to the Linux community, very many more people will be more used to unfinished software and consequently will understand that coding doesn't just get instantaneously done, it takes time and the community needs to live with that.

If you want to follow me on my twitter page, feel free.
If you have any direct questions to me, you can drop me an email at my email address.  I'd appreciate the spam to be kept to a minimum, and good-quality questions and thoughts to be sent to me.  I'll try to get around to them as soon as is possible, and I spend a lot of time in front of my computer anyway.

Please bear in mind that I still do things with school, and that kinda dominates my life right now, but I can still reply to emails as soon as is possible.

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